Shipping Policy

Usually shipped in 3 working days (FREE SHIPPING)
Tracking your orderYou will receive a shipping confirmation email containing your tracking ID and a link to follow the journey of your package. If you provided a mobile phone number, you will get a text notification as well. To track your package, click the tracking link on the email. If you are unsure of your Tracking ID, please email our support team.
Upon receiving your tracking information, please allow 1 to 3 working days for the updates to appear as tracking updates will only show once your package has been scanned at the next delivery distribution centre.Wrong address disclaimerIt is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that the shipping address entered is correct. We do our best to speed up processing and shipping time, so there is always a small window to correct an incorrect shipping address. If you believe you have provided an incorrect shipping address, please contact us immediately atReturnsBy placing an order with us you are agreeing that you are responsible for the cost of return shipping. Please refer to our refund policy for further information on how to make a return.
Under normal circumstances, 15-20 working days can be delivered to you.
The time frame for order delivery is divided into two parts:
Processing time: Normally 3 Business Days
Shipping time: Fast shipping + Normally 15-20 Business Days
Shipping fee information is included in checkout page
Will my order be delayed?
There may be a slight delay with your order, but rest assured it is on its way to you.
I cannot access my delivery point, can I cancel my order?
Your order will be fully refunded if it’s cancelled within 48 hours of purchase and before shipment.
Please keep an eye on your tracking to follow the progress of your parcel.
My question hasn’t been answered, who can I contact?
Above all, we are here to support you. If we haven’t answered your question above please get in touch with
The price includes tax, customers do not need to pay additional tax.